18 Aralık 2007 Salı
7 Kasım 2007 Çarşamba
(Intel Hexadesimal Dosya Formatı)
Each group of letters corresponds to a different field, and each letter
represents a single hexadecimal digit. Each field is composed of at
least two hexadecimal digits-which make up a byte-as described below:
* *:* is the colon that starts every Intel HEX record.
* */ll/* is the record-length field that represents the number of
data bytes (*dd*) in the record.
* */aaaa/* is the address field that represents the starting address
for subsequent data in the record.
* */tt/* is the field that represents the HEX record type, which may
be one of the following:
*00* - data record
*01* - end-of-file record
*02* - extended segment address record
*04* - extended linear address record
* */dd/* is a data field that represents one byte of data. A record
may have multiple data bytes. The number of data bytes in the
record must match the number specified by the *ll* field.
* */cc/* is the checksum field that represents the checksum of the
record. The checksum is calculated by summing the values of all
hexadecimal digit pairs in the record modulo 256 and taking the
two's complement.
Data Records
The Intel HEX file is made up of any number of data records that are
terminated with a carriage return and a linefeed. Data records appear as
This record is decoded as follows:
: 10 2462 00 464C5549442050524F46494C4500464C 33
| || |||| || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| CC->Checksum
| || |||| || DD->Data
| || |||| TT->Record Type
| || AAAA->Address
| LL->Record Length
* *10* is the number of data bytes in the record.
* *2462* is the address where the data are to be located in memory.
* *00* is the record type 00 (a data record).
* *464C...464C* is the data.
* *33* is the checksum of the record.
http://www.keil.com/support/docs/1584.htm sitesinden alintidir...
3 Kasım 2007 Cumartesi
28 Ekim 2007 Pazar
8051 mcs...
8051 ailesi, INTEL firması tarafından 1980'lerin başında piyasaya
sunulan dünyanın en
popüler 8-bit mikrokontrolör ailesidir. INTEL 'den sonra, bu MCU (Micro
Controller Unit)
ailesi ile uyumlu olarak, başta PHILIPS, SIEMENS, ATMEL, DALLAS, OKI,
HYUNDAI/HYNIX, WINBOND olmak üzere pek çok üretici firma türev işlemciler
üretmiştir. Bunlardan başka kendi özgün mikrokontrolör ailelerini üreten
gibi çeşitli büyük üreticiler bile 8051 uyumlu MCU lar geliştirmiş ve
pazara sunmuştur.
Internet de yapılan bir araştırmada 55'in üzerinde 8051 üreticisi
belirlenmiştir. Bu firmalara
ait bir liste bölüm sonunda yer almaktadır. KEIL, IAR, NOHAU, TASKING vb
başta olmak
üzere çok miktarda diğer firma ise geniş bir donanım ve yazılım
geliştirme araçları desteği
sunmuştur. Bunun sonucu olarak 8051 ailesi, 1980'lerden bugüne bir
endüstri standardı
20 Temmuz 2007 Cuma
19 Haziran 2007 Salı
google arama motoru...
<FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.com/search">
<TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td>
<A HREF="http://www.google.com/">
<IMG SRC="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif" border="0"
ALT="Google" align="absmiddle"></A>
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden name=hl value="en">
<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search">
<!-- Search Google -->
18 Haziran 2007 Pazartesi
['p','p','p','p'], 'v')
msgp = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
infoBufferLength = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
apiGetInfoFromVersion.call(infoVersion, "\\", msgp, infoBufferLength)
win32 api programming...
IDM_ABOUT should be in your resource.h file as well, WM_COMMAND and WM_CREATE are windows messages, and are defined in winuser.h which you include automatically by including windows.h. You shouldn't change these, because the values they represent are used internally in Windows for message handling. If you change these your Window won't do much.
With Windows programming, there has to be a way for the coder to determine what should happen when a user clicks a button, types text in a text box, moves a window, minimizes the window, slides a scroll bar, closes the window, etc. While you might not use all of these at the same time (or any of them if you want), you will probably use them at least once in the course of Windows programming in general. To cope with this, Windows uses a message loop. This is typically in your WinMain function and consists of something like
MSG msg;
bool bFinish = false;
if(PeekMessage(&msg, hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) )
GetMessage(&msg, hWnd, 0, 0);
When the program hits PeekMessage it checks the message queue (each button press and radio button change, or window movement, or window minimize adds a message to the message queue) to see if there's any messages there (PM_NOREMOVE means it just checks and returns true if there is a message waiting, but does not remove the message). We then hit GetMessage which retrieves the message and removes it from the queue (the difference between GetMessage and PeekMessage is basically that Peek gives you the option of not removing messages, and if there are no messages in the queue it will just return false, with GetMessage if there's no messages in the queue it will wait until there is a message. For a simple Windows program that doesn't matter and you can just use something like while(GetMessage(&msg, hWnd, 0, 0)) but if you want to do extra processing in between, eg in a game where something is constantly updating, you need to be able to access the main loop every time it runs, and dont' want to be sitting around waiting for Windows messages). Once it has retrieved a message, it puts it in TranslateMessage which changes certain aspects of it, basically making it more user friendly. Although not essential, I use it every time. DispatchMessage then does the next important thing, sends the translated message to your WndProc function.
This is the function that was named in the WNDCLASS or WNDCLASSEX structure when the window was first created. It passes in a handle to the window that called it (more than one window can share the same wndproc if they name it when they register the class), a UINT which is the Windows message that has been sent (more on that in a sec), a WPARAM which is mostly used for passing in extra data as values, and an LPARAM which tends to be used as a pointer to various structs that are used.
Inside your WndProc you will have something like switch(msg) and then lots of cases. This is where WM_COMMAND comes in. When you press a button or a radio control or in fact use any control on a dialogue, if it sends a message it will send it via the WM_COMMAND message. In the WPARAM it stores the value of the control (the unique identifier such as IDC_TEXT) but it stores it in the loword. Don't worry about this too much, all you need to know is that once you have a case WM_COMMAND: you have to have below it a switch(LOWORD(wParam)) or whatever your WPARAM is called, then you can use the switch statement to switch between cases and find the right control. Eg. You have a button called IDC_PRESSME and you want to check when it's pressed. That's easy, first you need a switch to find if a WM_COMMAND message has been sent, then you check which specific control it is, like so..
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
I hope that helps to give you an idea how it works, basically everything in windows has a UID, and you use that in message loops and in creating windows and controls from resources.
If I've done anything stupid don't laugh at me, it's early.
chakra renk terapisi...
Araştırmalar göstermiştir ki, insanda bedenini kuşatan elektromanyetik bir alan vardır. Kirlian fotoğrafı ile bu alan rahatlıkla görülebilmekte ve hastalık teşhisi yapılabilmektedir. İnsan bedenini kuşatan elektromanyetik alana Aura veya enerji beden adı verilmektedir. Bedenimizi bulut gibi saran bu enerji alan; ışık, elektrik, ısı, ses, manyetik ve elektromanyetik etkiler ile sürekli olarak etkileşim halindedir. Ayrıca bu enerji alanı içinde yedi adet de, chakra adını verdiğimiz enerji dağıtım merkezleri vardır. Chakra eski Hint dilinde tekerlek anlamına gelir. Chakralar enerji bedende omurga üzerine sıralanmış ve her biri bir hormon bezine tekabül eden yedi adet güç merkezidir. Chakralar daha yüksek enerjileri emen ve onları beden tarafından kullanılır hale getiren döner enerji merkezleridir. Bedene giren ve beden tarafından yayılan enerjilerin oranlarını düzenlerler. Ayrıca bedendeki fiziksel, duygusal, zihinsel ve ruhsal fonksiyonların yerine getirilmesi için gerekli olan enerjiyi emerek, bunları ihtiyaç duyulan bölgelere dağıtırlar. Her bir chakra ayrı bir renge sahiptir. Enerji merkezleri kanalıyla emilen enerjilerin vücuda yayılması, dolaşım ve sinir sistemlerinin yardımıyla gerçekleşir. Bu yolla tüm organlar, dokular ve hücreler bu enerjilerden eşit olarak faydalanmış olurlar. İnsanı ayakta tutan bütün bu sistemler chakralara karşılık gelen renklere karşı duyarlıdırlar.
Her chakra vücudun değişik bölgesine enerji taşır. Ancak vücut bir bütün olduğundan, tüm vücut birbirine bağlı olarak çalışır. Bu enerji kapılarından birinde sorun olduğunda (kapanma, yetersiz çalışma ya da aşırı çalışma), bedene enerji akışı tam olamaz ve hastalıklar baş gösterir.
17 Haziran 2007 Pazar
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